Greetings, iam Dawn Brown, You have yourself a good one!

Is There Such Thing As An A ++ Grade?

For example, an A/A- is numerically (95+91.25)/2=93.125, which is an A slightly lower than 95/A. A frequent complaint is that you “lose 5 points” for a 95=A. But I treat 100 as more like an A++ .Grading Numerology.Letter → Number ConversionLetter GradeNumerical GradeA-91.25B+88.75B85.0010 more rows

Student sent back to 9th Grade from 12th Grade

A shocking discovery out of a Baltimore City high school, where Project Baltimore has found hundreds of students are failing.

What’s in my Backpack for 3rd Grade?!?!

What’s in my Backpack?!?! Trinity and Madison are excited to be back in school but even more excited for

2nd Grade Homeschool Curriculum 2022-23
